Full-form of Computer (Part-1)

Full-form used in Computer (Part-1)

Dear Friends,

Today we will see some of the full-form that is used in Computer.

Following are names:
CPU: Central Processing Unit
VDU: Visual Display Unit
ALU: Arithmetic Logical Unit
IPO Cycle : Input – process – output Cycle
MICR- Magnetic Ink Character Reader
OCR – Optical Character Reader
CRT – Cathode Ray Tube
ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator
IC: Integrated Circuit
AI: Artificial Intelligence

Other terms we will see into next post.

Full-form of Computer (Part-1) by Aayush Patel in Aayush Ki Pathshala

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Once again, thank you so much and Jay Shree Krishna

Aayush Patel
Aayush Ki Pathshala

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