What is an Operating System (OS)?

Operating System (OS)

Introduction about Operating System (OS)

Operating System (OS) is a very important part of the computer. Operating System (OS) is a bridge between software & hardware. Operating System (OS) will help to manage the computer hardware.

Different types of Operating System

  • Windows Operating System (Windows OS)
  • Linux Operating System (Linux OS)
  • Mac Operating System (Mac OS)
  • Android Operating System (Android OS)

Advantages of Operating System (OS)

  • Operating System (OS) will help to manage all the computer hardware.
  • All the software are also run on Operating System (OS).
  • Operating System (OS) makes the computer user-friendly.
  • Without Operating System (OS) it is not possible to work in computer.

Windows Operating System (Windows OS)

Window Operating System (OS) is more user-friendly compare to other OS, so, people are using this OS in their Personal Computer. Window Operating System (OS) is developed by Microsoft Company.

Windows Operating System is a paid Operating System.
Paid software means it is not a free we have to pay money to use this Operating System.

Majority people are using Windows Operating System for Personal and office use.

Example of windows Operating System (OS) are

  • Windows 98
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10

Windows 7 and Windows 10 are the popular Window Operating System.

Linux Operating System (Linux OS)

Linux Operating System is developed by Linux Community

Linux Operating System is a Free, you can download and install on your PC.
Means we don’t have to pay any single rupee for this OS, but this OS is not much user-friendly compare to Window OS.

Majority Linux OS is used in Server side computers.It is more secure then Window Operating System. This is mostly used through command line and it’s not much user-friendly compare to Windows OS.

Example of Linux Operating System (OS) are

  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • Fedora
  • Debian and so on

Ubuntu and CentOS are the popular Linux Operating System.

Other Operating Systems

  • Mac OS: Mac OS is used in Mac System, which is developed by Apple Company.
  • Android OS: Android OS is used in Smart Phones.
  • iOS: iOS is used in iPhone.
  • Chrome OS: Chrome OS is used in Google Chromebooks which is developed by Google.

Watch the whole video on What is Operating System (OS)

What is operating system with Question and Answer by Aayush Patel in Aayush Ki Pathshala

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Aayush Patel
Aayush Ki Pathshala

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